Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Cuddly Coyote 20k Trail Race

Wow...what an amazing race...not real cuddly though :-) 95% single track, very technical, mud up to knees at times, countless river crossings, roots, rocks...seemed kinda fitting that it was pouring rain. I can't think of a better way to have spent my Saturday morning. It's amazing what some people consider fun! :-)

When I finished I ran back out to meet my buddy, my running mentor, Gordon and his dog Tess who were also doing the race. You want to talk about INSPIRATION! Here is a man who in the past has qualified for and ran the Boston marathon, completed the Vermont 100 miler in under 24 hours, and 2 summers ago completed the Yukon 1000...a 1000 mile canoe race...the longest canoe race in the world! Did I mention he has an artificial hip?!

When I met Gordon he had fallen several times...I had taken a couple of spills myself. He had a bloody knee and a deep long gash on the palm of his left hand. About 500m after I turned to run back with Gordon he says (in reference to the trail and the scenery)..."Just look at this...this is awesome!" I know he was in pain but he was still so positive. I couldn't help but smile at his attitude.
Surrounding yourself with the right people really changes your outlook on life.
Thanks Gordon